Archive for the ‘Storage: SAN & SSD’ Category

Maximizing SQL Server 2008 R2 Table scan speed from DSI Solid State Storage (2010-1-2)

Scenario: Imagine you have a single table with 400 Million rows and 46 GByte in size that you want to read as fast as possible. How can you check if you run @ top speed? This blog post is all about squeezing the maximum out of both SQL Server and the available hardware and showing […]

DSI 3500 / (RAMSAN-500) Solid State Storage to the test (2009-12-23)

Flash storage was one of several products Gartner listed as among "the most important technologies in your data center future." So … time to publish about a great device we have in the performance Center, for our customers to test their high-end solutions on; a 1 Terabyte DSI3500 with the full 8x 4Gbit fibers hooked […]

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