Archive for the ‘Workload & Capacity Planning’ Category

Restoring a database onto a larger APS (2014-12-23)

For benchmarking purposes I was restoring a backup taken on a 4 node APS onto an 8 node APS (Microsoft Analytics Platform System). And the unexpected happened; I started to receive warnings that the system was running low on available disk space! (For those of you who never worked with APS; an 8 node full […]

How to Process a SSAS MOLAP cube as fast as possible – Part 2 (2014-3-9)

Special thanks to Dirk Gubbels for his contribution on the data type optimization part and review!(Follow Dirk on Twitter: @QualityQueries). In part 1 we looked at a method to quantify the work that gets done by SQL Server Analysis Server and found that the OLE DB provider with a network packet size of 32767 brings […]